Sunday, October 25, 2009

GENERIC VS BRAND NAMES ...Depression era's work clothes generic buttons

Here's a standard selection of metal buttons from the depression era.Often found on light weight denim clothes[overalls, shirts or jackets] .What we nowadays ,call "cat's eye buttons " were called back then "fish eye buttons".
Celluloid ,bakelite or plastic these were commonly found shapes and colors on 20's/30's work clothes.
Your perfect combo for a chambray shirt .....bakelite ,bone or even wood ,you've got them all......
The standard style for your beloved chinos.A khaki's favorite .
A "dressier" alternative for khaki and olive drab shades .Perfect for your span-am or ww1 impression .
These buttons were often found on old 20's /30's hutting jackets
An original "bachelor" button fron the 30's ...Read the 1934's Sears ad bellow

Sign of the times,or just pure coincidence!!?? The great depression is"back with a vengeance".Speakeasies ,bangs, flappers and distressed looks are in demand,back in our streets and on the racks of trendy stores.Brands such as RRL ,post o'alls ,engineered garments to say the least,are without mercy copying their forerunners.So it's not surprising to see anything remotely old nowadays,advertised on EBAY as being from the 20's/30's.As a follow up to my former post on the subject,i've decided to showcase some of the most often encountered [brand less] generic buttons from that era .Hoping that'll help you not to be taken for a ride ,when hunting for the real deal at your local flea market......good luck !!

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